


Can I have my puppy delivered out of state?

Long Distance: There are viable shipping options and we can make recommendations, however we prefer that it be booked and paid for directly by the family purchasing a puppy.
Short Distance (<300 miles) we can give you a price for personally delivering the puppy to you. This generally is $1.00-$1.50 per mile, one-way.

Will my puppy be potty trained?

By the time you receive your pup, he/she will have begun experiencing the idea of going outdoors to go potty throughout the day, though no “formal” training will have been done as yet.

How do I reserve a puppy?

Simply contact us through the site and let us know which puppy you would like to reserve. If we are between litters and you wish to reserve a spot for the next litter, you can do that as well!

Deposits are $200. After you contact me about which puppy you would like to reserve, I will email you a signed sales agreement. When the paperwork is returned to us, you would make your deposit through Paypal, Venmo, or Zelle.
If you are reserving a spot in line for an upcoming litter, You will be notified when the litter is born and when your pick is up. If you do not find a puppy in that litter that you wish to make yours, you can get back in line for the next litter.

Should I choose a male or female doodle?

In my experience this breed is incredibly loyal and people-oriented and that goes for male or females. I have not experienced any marked differenced between males and females and I find that most distinctions you find on the internet are broad generalizations and many of them false.

Things you could consider in making your choice: If you plan to have your pet fixed, it is best to wait until they are of mature reproductive age for proper development. This may mean with a female that she will experience one-to-two breeding cycles prior to being spayed. If you don’t wish to go through that minor inconvenience, you may opt for a male.
But if your main questions come down to bonding, loyalty, pairing with other household pets, compatibility with family, etc. I truly find no valid distinctions which you need to worry about.

Can I schedule a video call to meet the puppies?

Yes, and no. If we have multiple litters at a time, I have to set boundaries on this type of thing so that my family doesn’t only ever see me on the phone. Also, service in our area generally results in folks being unable to make out clearly what they were hoping to find out about the puppies and in the end it proves more beneficial for me to simply send additional video to them of the puppy they are interested in. Also, sending video means I can do it when I am able rather than being tied to a video-call appointment. I hope this makes sense! I try to offer everything possible to make your decision easier, but I do also have to set boundaries for my family’s sake.
Please also bear in mind that I do my best to provide photos and video on the website and instagram which are sufficient to clearly show each puppy, requesting additional photos and video may or may not even show you anything different than what you can already see on the site.

Can we schedule a visit to meet the puppies and make our selection?

Absolutely you can! Just contact me to set up a day/time. We do ask that visits be limited to 40 minutes. Weather permitting, visits will happen outdoors due to our smaller living space.